
Showing posts from September, 2018

How Being "Mediocre" Inspired My Wellness

"I strive to be mediocre," commented a teacher friend of mine in one of the first conversations we had over a year ago.  As we sat in the staff lounge at lunch getting to know one another, discussing teaching styles and aspirations, I was surprised (and relieved) by her candor.  It doesn't seem like the type of reply that would inspire or leave a lasting impact, but it has guided and helped to enrich my approach to teaching, learning, and living in the past year. To start off, let's put some context into this comment.  "Striving to be mediocre" to her meant that she wasn't the type to come in on the weekends or be at school into the evening hours.  She wasn't signing up to be on every committee and you wouldn't be seeing any school related emails from her outside of school hours.  It did mean, however, that she was one of the most efficient teachers I've met, using her prep periods to plan, collaborate, and document learning.  But school